Step 3 - Action-Response

This page provides details about actionresponse.json and its underlying validation rules along with a sample actionresponse.json file of a Bowling Alley VR Scene for your review

Here is the actionresponse.json template that is to be used for filling the scene requirement specifications.

	"ObjAction": [

Here is the actionresponsevalidator.json with details about each specification along with its usage.


     "%comment%":"Collection of Objects that are set for action and corresponding response"
     "%comment%":"Unique Identifier for a given action and response"
     "%comment%":"Source object where the action is applied or originated"

     "%comment%":"Target object where the action's response is made visible"

     "%comment%":"Flag to determine if the action is based on collision"

     "%comment%":"Defines the type of response, i,e, natural law based response or a customized response"
     "%comment%":"Illustrate in words the course of response and its journey"

     "%comment%":"Defines if the response is Syncronous to action or has any delay or Asyncronous to other objects"
     "%comment%":"Flag to use or repeat the same action for other objects. Metion the targetobjects ids or names"


Here is a sample actionresponse.json file for a Bowling Alley VR Scene.

	"ObjAction": [

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