Step 5 - Timeline
This page provides details about timeline.json and its underlying validation rules along with a sample timeline.json file of a Bowling Alley VR Scene for your review
Here is the timeline.json template that is to be used for filling the scene requirement specifications.
"SyncObjList":[ ],
"ntsOntrigger":"false", "ntSyncObjList":[ ], "ntSyncNote":""
"taOntrigger":"true", "tAsyncObjList":[ ], "tAsyncNote":""
"ntaOntrigger":"false", "ntAsyncObjList":[ ], "ntAsyncNote":""
"routine": [ { "routeid":"", "starttime":"", "endtime":"", "order":[] }]
Here is the timelinevalidator.json with details about each specification along with its usage.
"root": "animate_trigSync",
"%comment%":"Unique Identifier for animating scene synchronously based on a trigger"
"root": "animate_trigSync",
"%comment%":"True or false flag if this is a triggered animation based an action"
"root": "animate_trigSync",
"%comment%":"List of objects are animated in a timeline that are triggered Synchronously"
"root": "animate_trigSync",
"%comment%":"place holder for additional notes for Sync object"
"root": "animate_nontrigSync",
"%comment%":"Unique Identifier for animating scene synchronously based on a non trigger"
"root": "animate_nontrigSync",
"%comment%":"True or false flag if this is a non triggered animation based an action"
"root": "animate_nontrigSync",
"%comment%":"List of objects are animated in a timeline that are non triggered ASynchronously"
"root": "animate_nontrigSync",
"%comment%":"place holder for additional notes for Sync object"
"root": "animate_trigAsync",
"%comment%":"Unique Identifier for animating scene asynchronously based on a trigger"
"root": "animate_trigAsync",
"%comment%":"True or false flag if this is a triggered animation based an action"
"root": "animate_trigAsync",
"%comment%":"List of objects are animated in a timeline that are triggered ASynchronously"
"root": "animate_trigAsync",
"%comment%":"place holder for additional notes for ASync object"
"root": "animate_nontrigAsync",
"%comment%":"Unique Identifier for animating scene asynchronously based on a non trigger"
"root": "animate_nontrigAsync",
"%comment%":"True or false flag if this is a non triggered animation based an action"
"root": "animate_nontrigAsync",
"%comment%":"List of objects are animated in a timeline that are non triggered ASynchronously"
"root": "animate_nontrigAsync",
"%comment%":"place holder for additional notes for ASync object"
"%comment%":"To mention a repeated routine of timeline actions"
"root": "routine",
"%comment%":"Unique identifier of a routine"
"root": "routine",
"%comment%":"Start Timestamps of routine"
"root": "routine",
"%comment%":"End Timestamps of routine"
"root": "routine",
"%comment%":"Order of items in a routine, mention the routine ids in a sequence to understand the order of events."
Here is a sample timeline.json file for a Bowling Alley VR Scene.
"SyncObjList":[ ],
"tSyncNote":"this statement is blank"
"ntsOntrigger":false, "ntSyncObjList":[ ], "ntSyncNote":"this statement is blank"
"taOntrigger":true, "tAsyncObjList":["_pinsetter1","_pinsetter2","_pinsetter3",
"_pinsetter10" ], "tAsyncNote":"All these change their state unpon trigger by ball"
"ntaOntrigger":false, "ntAsyncObjList":[ "_scoreboard", "_floor" ], "ntAsyncNote":""
"routine": [{ "routeid":11, "starttime":"00:30:00", "endtime":"00:55:00", "order":[21,23,22,24] },
{ "routeid":12, "starttime":"00:40:00", "endtime":"00:45:00", "order":[21,23] },
{ "routeid":13, "starttime":"00:10:00", "endtime":"00:50:00", "order":[22,24] }
Last updated